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Price of cooling wet water curtain for aquaculture

Price of cooling water curtain for aquaculture

Product Description: Price of Cooling Wet Water Curtain for Aquaculture


In the world of aquaculture, maintaining optimal environmental conditions is paramount to the health and growth of aquatic species. One key component of achieving this balance is the cooling wet water curtain, a vital tool for regulating temperature and humidity in aquaculture facilities. This product not only contributes to the well-being of aquatic life but also enhances the overall efficiency of aquaculture operations. In this comprehensive product description, we will delve into the attributes, functions, and advantages of the cooling wet water curtain for aquaculture.

Attributes of the Cooling Wet Water Curtain

  • High-Quality Construction

The cooling wet water curtain for aquaculture is crafted with precision and durability in mind. It is engineered using high-quality materials that are resistant to corrosion, ensuring longevity even in the demanding conditions of aquaculture facilities. The sturdy construction of this product guarantees that it can withstand prolonged exposure to moisture and environmental stresses.

  • Efficient Water Distribution

This water curtain excels in efficiently distributing water evenly across its surface. Its design promotes uniform wetting, preventing dry spots and ensuring that the cooling effect is consistent throughout the aquaculture facility. This level of efficiency is crucial in maintaining the desired temperature and humidity levels essential for aquatic life.

  • Customizable Dimensions

To accommodate a variety of aquaculture setups, the cooling wet water curtain is available in customizable dimensions. Whether you have a small-scale fish farm or a large commercial aquaculture operation, this product can be tailored to fit your specific needs. Customization options ensure that you maximize the use of space and resources.

  • Easy Installation and Maintenance

Aquaculture professionals value efficiency, and the cooling wet water curtain delivers on this front. Its design allows for straightforward installation, saving time and effort. Additionally, regular maintenance is hassle-free, requiring minimal intervention to keep the system operating optimally. This ease of use contributes to a seamless aquaculture operation.

  • Energy-Efficient Operation

In today’s eco-conscious world, energy efficiency is a significant consideration. The cooling wet water curtain is designed with energy efficiency in mind. It efficiently utilizes water and energy resources, minimizing wastage and operating costs. Its environmentally friendly operation aligns with sustainable aquaculture practices.

Functions of the Cooling Wet Water Curtain

  • Temperature Regulation

One of the primary functions of the cooling wet water curtain is temperature regulation. Aquatic species thrive within specific temperature ranges, and this product assists in maintaining those conditions. By harnessing the cooling power of water evaporation, it helps stabilize temperatures in aquaculture facilities, ensuring that they remain within the ideal range for the species being cultivated.

  • Humidity Control

In addition to temperature, humidity control is vital in aquaculture. The cooling wet water curtain plays a pivotal role in regulating humidity levels, preventing excessively dry or humid conditions. Consistent humidity control is particularly crucial during the various growth stages of aquatic organisms, contributing to their overall health and development.

  • Air Quality Improvement

The quality of air within an aquaculture facility directly impacts the well-being of aquatic life. The cooling wet water curtain aids in air quality improvement by filtering out impurities and particulate matter as air passes through it. This not only enhances the environment for aquatic species but also contributes to a healthier working environment for aquaculture professionals.

  • Oxygen Enrichment

Adequate oxygen levels are essential for aquatic organisms to thrive. The cooling wet water curtain facilitates oxygen enrichment by promoting air circulation within the aquaculture facility. As air passes through the wet curtain, it picks up oxygen molecules, ensuring that aquatic species have access to the oxygen they need for respiration.

Advantages of the Cooling Wet Water Curtain

  • Enhanced Aquatic Health and Growth

Perhaps the most significant advantage of the cooling wet water curtain is its contribution to the health and growth of aquatic species. By maintaining optimal temperature, humidity, and air quality, this product creates an environment where aquatic life can thrive. Healthy and thriving organisms lead to increased yields and improved profitability for aquaculture operations.

  • Reduced Mortality Rates

Aquaculture professionals often face the challenge of high mortality rates, especially during temperature fluctuations. The cooling wet water curtain helps mitigate this challenge by providing consistent temperature and humidity control. By minimizing stress on aquatic species, it significantly reduces mortality rates, ultimately leading to higher success rates in aquaculture.

  • Energy and Cost Savings

Efficient water and energy utilization translate to tangible cost savings for aquaculture operations. The energy-efficient design of the cooling wet water curtain ensures that resources are used optimally, resulting in reduced operational expenses. This cost-effectiveness aligns with the financial goals of aquaculture businesses.

  • Sustainable Practices

As sustainability becomes increasingly important in aquaculture, the cooling wet water curtain offers an eco-friendly solution. Its energy-efficient operation and contribution to reduced mortality rates align with responsible aquaculture practices. By adopting this product, aquaculture professionals demonstrate a commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Improved Work Environment

The benefits of the cooling wet water curtain extend beyond aquatic life to the individuals working in aquaculture facilities. By maintaining ideal conditions, this product creates a more comfortable and conducive work environment for aquaculture professionals. It minimizes the physical stress associated with extreme temperatures and ensures that workers can focus on their tasks with comfort and ease.

  • Preconditions for using a water curtain:
  • When the external ambient temperature is higher than the required temperature of the chicken house, and the maximum wind speed that the chickens can adapt to is achieved by increasing the ventilation volume, the temperature of the chicken house is still rising.
  • The humidity of the chicken house is between 50-65.
  • Even though the chickens have adapted to the current wind speed, it is still very hot.

The above three conditions are indispensable. Blind opening of the water curtain and improper operation may cause adverse consequences.

Water curtains are not recommended for this situation:

In overcast and rainy weather, when the external humidity reaches 100%, the water curtain evaporates slowly; For water vapor entering the chicken house, the humidity in the chicken house is too high. The heat stress index=1.8 * temperature+32+relative humidity value to 155 is the critical value.

Starting to eat less, the amount of drinking water and production capacity decreased.

More than 165 cases of cardiac, pulmonary, and vascular system injuries lead to death.

From the publicity, it can be seen that in overcast and rainy weather, the relative humidity of the chicken house is the main factor of the heat stress index.

Operating steps for opening the water curtain:

  • Calculate the number of fans that open the water curtain. When starting to use, the purpose is to keep the temperature of the chicken house from rising, and remember not to drop more than 2 degrees.
  • Calculate the wind speed required to maintain the body temperature, the number of fans, and the negative pressure should not exceed 18. The general standard is that the number of fans started should not exceed 70% of the total number. The difference between cage chicken farming and net or field farming is the wind speed, with the maximum wind speed inside the cage being 70% of the aisle wind speed.
  • The wet water curtain is pumped intermittently, with no more than 1/3 of the water pumped each time for the first time. The next cycle begins when the evaporation is complete. The water filling time is controlled from 1/3-1/2 to fully wet, the side window adjustment sequence is 0-1/2 to fully close, and the water curtain angle sequence is 30% – 45% – 75% – 100% to enter the longitudinal ventilation mode.
  • When the external humidity is high, the air can be cooled by running water through a water curtain. At this time, the cooling is not evaporation and heat absorption, but through heat conduction to reduce the air temperature. At this time, the water temperature should be lower, with better results. This method requires strict observation of humidity changes in the chicken house.

The installation and use of a wet curtain consists of two parts: a wet curtain sheet and a metal frame, which are firmly fixed to the installation window household registration through the metal outer frame. The wet curtain cooling system is completed within its core – wet curtain paper. There is a thin water film on the surface of corrugated fiber paper. When the outdoor dry and hot air is sucked through the wet curtain paper by the fan, the water in the water film will absorb the heat in the air and evaporate, taking away a large amount of latent heat, reducing the temperature of the air passing through the wet curtain paper. After this treatment, the cool and moist air enters the room. After mixing with indoor hot air, it is discharged outdoors through a fan.

Wet curtain cooling can be divided into three types according to the material of the frame: aluminum alloy, galvanized sheet, and stainless steel. The commonly used one is a 15cm thick water curtain wall, which has a good cooling effect. In the negative pressure ventilation cooling mode, the negative pressure fan is used to extract indoor dirty and hot air, while the wet curtain wall installed opposite the negative pressure fan is used for air intake. The fresh hot air outside is filtered and cooled by heat exchange with water when passing through the small holes that are soaked in the wet curtain wall.

Price of cooling wet water curtain for aquaculture


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